
Post 38 - Pulaski County, Kentucky


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To the American Legion Post 38

Pulaski County, Somerset, KY


Dates to Remember: 

October 12th-Family Fun Day Post 39 at 10:00 AM

October 14th-Monthly Meeting at 7:00 PM

October 19th-Monthly Meal at 5:30 PM

October 31st-Halloween Trunk or Treat Post 38 at 6:00 PM


                                                           To see Honor Guard events, click on HONOR GUARD in the Menu, then go to page 4.                                                                                           



The American Legion Post 38

500 Enterprise Drive

Somerset, KY  42501

Office Hours:

10 AM - 2 PM

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday


  Email:  legionpost38@yahoo.com

Members are welcome to join our Facebook Groups (2) American Legion Post 38 Somerset KY

and District 11, American Legion for more information. 

Service Officer: John Garner

Office Hours: 8 AM - 11 AM

Tuesday & Thursday

or by appointment


102 Years Serving

God & Country 

Our Post, Veterans & Community


Post 38 was chartered on September 22, 1919

Since then, our Post has welcomed VETERANS from all Armed Forces branches. Today, we continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country. Joining our Post enables you to continue serving your God, Country, Community, and comrades. Our mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace, and blessings for our country, friends, and families embodied in our preamble.

Please consider joining our American Legion Family or becoming a  Supporter  of Post 38.



Website created July 2019
Admin: Juanita Tucker